Reducing Water Pollution

Everything in our environment causes some sort of pollution. It is inevitable. However, water pollution seems to be a growing concern. Water pollution is a change in the quality of water whether it be chemical, physical, or biological. The effects can be harmful to those drinking or using it and particularly dangerous to humans.

water pollution
Mostly water pollution, ironically enough, come from humans. Oil tankers and mines contribute greatly to water pollution. Other human sources include factories or sewage treatment plants. Water is also polluted by nature. Water pollution can be caused by acid deposition from the air, traffic, pollutants that are spread through rivers.

How do can you tell if the water is polluted? You can’t tell just by looking at it. The only sure way to tell is by scientifically testing a small sample. What’s interesting is to see how fish behavior and growth change when living in polluted water.

Here are some simple thing you can do in your life to prevent water from being polluted:
fish in polluted water
Non-Toxic Products
Rain can wash unsafe substances into the ocean or other bodies of water. For this reason, try buying products that are not harmful to the environment. Many of these products are now found in your local store. If you use toxic products, simply dispose of them so they do not cause water pollution. Do not dump chemicals down the drain. Look out for your local city’s hazardous waste day.

Motor Oil and Cooking Oil
A good practice is not to allow motor oil drip on the driveway when maintaining your car. Your local community should have a hazardous waste disposal day or pollution reduction program. The same goes for cooking oil and paint. Do not put it down faucet or street drain. Many restaurants have a grease bin where they dispose of their cooking oil. If you have a restaurant close by and can’t find a place to properly dispose of your cooking oil, they might left you use their bin.

watering can
Yard Care
The best type of yard fertilizer for your yard is a non-toxic fertilizer like compost. Toxic fertilizers turn into ocean and lake pollution when it rains. Not only that but they can be absorbed in the water supply. This is a result of when there is poor drainage in the yard. Also, do not overwater your yard if you are using toxic fertilizer.

Dog Friendly
When walking your dog, clean up after him/her. It is courtesy, of course, but their stool sometimes can find their way to our water supply.

Your Toilet
Some people use their toilet as a garbage can. This is a big NO-NO. People add items like dirty diapers, sanitary napkins, and tampon applicators. These items could end up polluting the ocean. Additionally, they can damage the water treatment effort.

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